Truth Behind the Conspiracy Theories

 Shouldn't We Know The Truth? 

It's no surprise that our governments are always hiding shit from us. They do every day, we just don't see everything that they do. We might have an idea, but not really sure. Who do you trust anyways? I wouldn't trust anyone from the government. They have been withholding shit from the very start. From aliens to their secret experiments and their fake moon landing. The lies don't stop, 

We don't get told what the world is doing and live to tell about it. No way man! We would either go missing or end up dead. The government doesn't fuck around. They even have weather machines and time machines, all kinds of cures for the diseases that they make in their secret labs. It's all a game to these mad people who control the planet and everything on it. It's like they have a God complex. 

But from this, we know that the people on this planet are controlled by the Illuminati and that they can flick the switch and we would be all dead. It's true. 

They have these secret groups of very wealthy and very greedy for power people that run this place and everything we do and say is always being watched. We are like puppets almost. They allow us to live here and have the things that we do. Don't think that you worked hard for it, no. They allow us to have the things we do, and at any moment they can take it all away. That's too much power that these shitheads have. 

Who has the right to our lives? They do. We don't own ourselves, we never have. Ever since we were born. As soon as our asses came into this world, they owned us. They have our necks in a noose from that day on. And what we do from that moment is always monitored and watched by them. 

Their secret meets and the parties that they hold for the super-rich and powerful are all because they plot how to control us. They make things happen for a reason. When they are bored and want all of us to panic or go through some sort of disaster, they let loose their fun games and we have to deal with it. Whatever it shall be, from some kind of deadly disease to the ozone layer thinning out. They cause it all. They cause people to lose their minds, and give us all kinds of sicknesses. It's all man-made and they have cures for everything. They have to. What if one of them gets sick? They have to cure them. They can't let one of their own die, 

These theories have a reason for being what they are. People don't just come up with shit for nothing. There is always a reason. No matter what it is, and lots of the time, the stories that are let out to the public have to come from somewhere. The media is there to feed everyone lies, and that's just some of the ways that they get into everyone's head. The rumors that they spread too. Everyone is their worst enemy. We can't ever keep a secret and we have to tell someone always. So, if we don't share some kind of bullshit story that we heard then nothing would be passed around. 

They also keep doing these experiments on people all the time, and that can't be a good thing. All we re to these assholes are just guinea pigs and rats. It's a sick game that they play with us. They don't give a shit if we die or live. There are so many of us that they have tons of time and people to try out their sick games. Our lives don't matter to these losers. They just see us as pawns in their game of chance. 


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