Do You Really Know The Truth?

We All Have Been Lied To For Years

Yes, believe me, or not. It's straight out the truth. We have been all living a lie and it's all because of the higher power in the world who control all of us and what we hear. 

 It's not what we expect from our leaders of the world, but it's all been a show and we are the puppets for their entertainment. We have been kept in the dark about everything and only told certain things when they have been caught lying to us. That's when they decide to leak information about whatever secret conspiracy they have brewed up. 

You can't believe the media, you can't believe the newspapers, or what you hear on the radio. You can't believe the church and what you read in magazines. You shouldn't even listen to your neighbor. 

The whole world isn't what you think it is and it's full of deception and cover-ups. It might even be just a matrix and everything we see is all rolled out for us like a movie. Following what we think is the right path, but only a path that is already created for us without us even knowing. 

The many strange things that have been going on from more sightings of UFOs and hiccups in time where things will pause for a few seconds or minutes while everything else around it is still in motion, to the man-made viruses that were supposed to wipe off the planet of people, to experiments, and the CIA stealing dead babies for testing out radiation, to the Queen bathing in young childrens' blood and eating them after, and let's not forget that the Royal Family are all lizard people. 

Now, some of us have brains and others have something up there, but it might not be a brain. A big empty space. Common sense is not a hard thing to understand and to know what it means and how to use it. A lot of what you heard about aliens is mostly true. They have been here for many decades. And not just only one type of species. There are many. They all have different plans for what they are going to do to us, and nobody is really sure what those plans really are. But it is said that by the end of the year or the next, things are really going to change. 

Not knowing what is going to happen exactly is a bit nerve racking and I am curious as to what extent they all plan on taking since there are millions of humans that wouldn't go into the night quietly. I know I would be one of these. 

The big issue I have about this is that some of our government officials already know about this and they haven't said anything about it. They sit in these important meetings with other world leaders and they discuss our fate. Decide if we are worthy enough for another bullshit year under their strings and in control. 

The mind control techniques that our governments have are top secret and most of the big shit isn't even told to the president or any other government official. True, This Secret Service Group that don't take orders from the president and has its own agendas. 

They're the ones that do the things that others in the government or in that higher class of officials that don't get their hands dirty or want to be caught with their hand in the cookie jar. If you know what I mean? 

Do you think that these important dudes in suits are going to give up their cushy jobs and their sadistic games for anyone other than their buddy in another suit who is just as evil and corrupt? Hell, No! 

Their wife swaps, their private jet vacations to their mansion in the woods, to their sick pedophile games with their buddies, and let's not forget the money laundering and drug smuggling and dealing, the robbing of our money, and their fake national world meetings to their expensive ways of living. 

And this is only the top layer, that some know about. There are many layers to this cake and some layers are so dark, and evil that Satan himself would be shaking his head at these guys. He might even be intimidated by them. And that's terrible. The Lord of Darkness lowers his head to some dude in a fancy suit. What does this say about who is in charge of our countries, doesn't it give you a bit of a scare? 

Just think about this for a second; the suits take orders from the Illuminati and if they have a bad day, we all are pretty much fucked. I mean that in a gentle way. There is no coming back after they do us all in. It's a mystery as to why keep us around at all? 

Either we'll be turned into drones and forced to do as they demand or go fight in another war for them and get killed. Or even worse, made into a slave, and let's include the sacrificing of our children and women. I mean young women. 

I know your thinking that I am full of crap, and probably asking why believe me? What makes my words trustworthy? Well, I am a realist and I don't give out bullshit for no reason but for telling those people that live in the box of life that we don't live out our lives and everything is controlled and monitored every second of our lives. From that moment we were born into this world of chaos. 

We all should be sporting a symbol or a pair of numbers on our bodies to say that we are owned by the Illuminati and by aliens. 

We don't live the life we assume we do. It's all planted in our heads and made to believe that we control ourselves. We have never been our own individual persons. That's just what they want us to think.

We all live in a world that controls all things that live in it. Do you think they would let us do what we want? Never! How could they control us if we are our own person? Then we wouldn't do what they want. We wouldn't be around for long without having to follow their rules like we do now. We aren't even aware that we are following THEIR LAWS. It's not our own lives that we live, we are living a life that they gave each of us. They can take it all back too, instantly. 

You might believe me and then you might not, but either way, we are not living of our free will but of some other species having control of our lives. Like we are their pets. More like the test rats in cages. But instead of actual cages, the world is our cage. 

It's really hard to get a grip on the whole thing, right? I don't expect anyone to jump into believing what I am saying, but give it a good think-through and then decide. I could be just right, right? I don't tell bullshit lies and I really don't need to convince you of anything. I am only trying to make you aware that in this FREE WORLD, it's really not free at all. That we pay dearly for it each and every day of our lives. 

I hope that this makes sense and I am making you more aware of what really goes on with our world leaders and that they are not there for us. No way in hell. They only have us here to perform like puppets for them. Nothing is OURS, and what we have was always theirs. We are only renters.

Do you ever wonder if the elections are so important and we have a choice to make, that we would be able to choose who gets to run?

The elections are all decided before they even begin. They would never let our choice if we had one, win the election. So, to be safe, the elections are all set up to make us all believe that we are making a difference with who we choose and that it is our choice. 

It's never our choice and we don't get any options. The options are there already and there is already a decision made as to who wins. 

Really think about this and don't be quick to shut my opinion down. Really look at the whole picture and not just a piece. It all makes sense once you open the idea to it. 

Everything is already done and decided for us for everything on planet Earth. It has to be. There can't be any out-of-place subjects and if there were, they would be dealt with appropriately. Strange deaths, people have gone missing, and disasters that should have never happened. Diseases that are so deadly and strong, that it hits the whole planet within hours. 

Most of the illnesses that happen in the world are man-made somewhere in a lab and then sent out to each country. There are cures for them too.

There has to be, just in case someone important gets ill. They need to have a cure for them. Like the wives of the Illuminati, or someone like that. High officials' family members would be the right guess. Not any of us. That would be a waste. We are nobody and we won't even matter to them once they kill us off, slowly. We are just another rock in the pile. No big deal to them. "ALL OF OUR LIVES MATTER." 


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