Welcome To The One Blog You Won't Regret
💋 WHO AM I? 💖
I am Venus, the one that has made you come to this blog page. How do you feel about this?
Do you feel pressured?
I am a country kid that grew up with her grandparents. My parents were too busy to raise me, so, my grandparents thought they would give it a try.
Now, they were not normal grandparents; by far. Not joking.
My Baba was a real mean lady, my Gido was the opposite. He was always trying to keep me out of trouble. He would put up with my crap so he didn't have to put up with my Baba.
I would sneak out and go party on a week night and then when I came home, he would get mad at me but not tell my Baba cuz then he would have to deal with her bitching him out,
I would get away with murder, and he wouldn't rat me out.
My Baba would work night shift at the hospital and my Gido worked day shift so that someone was always home when I was a kid.
But then when I grew up and they got older, they would go to sleep early and I would sneak out. Most of my childhood was sneaking out to party with my friends.
Come home early in the morning, so I was home before my Baba in the morning.
My poor Gido would just have a hairy, but he knew if he told on me that he would have to listen to my Baba yelling at him.
I did some crazy shit, I wouldn't go to bed one night and I had in my room over a hundred teddy bears. They were on shelves on every wall and even hanging on my ceiling.
One night my Gido was getting ready for bed and I really didn't want to sleep, so when he left my room, I grabbed a few teddy bears and would toss them into my grandparents room. Hitting my Gido. I would laugh and he would just yell at me to get to bed.
I was jumping on my bed and pulling these teddy bears off the shelves and the ceiling and just whipping them in my grandparents room,
Hitting my Gido who was trying to get ready for bed. He would yell at me, and the more he yelled, the harder I laughed and the harder I whipped my teddy bears into my grandparent's room.
Soon, I had almost every teddy bear in their room.
He came into my room carrying what he could of my teddy bears and toss them on the floor. Yell at me to get to bed. I waited until he shut my light off in my room and returned to his bedroom. Then when it was really quiet, I tried not to laugh.
But when he was in that snoring stage of sleep, I would start whipping my teddy bears back into his room. Hitting him and he would stop snoring, and yell at me to stop and go to sleep.
My Gido has a very strong Ukrainian accent, and when he would get mad, he sounded hilarious; especially when I was a young kid.
After loading all my teddy bears back in his room. I had nothing left to toss. He would just wait for it, and then I had no choice but to go to sleep.
That's when I finally did. That took all my energy and I was tired by then. So, then I would go to sleep. But I had so many moments like that in my home when I was a kid, I had some good laughs and some tears. I got a good spank a few times. My ass was so hot that I couldn't actually sit down for a few days without making a whimpering sound.
Then it wasn't too funny after those.
My grandparents probably went through hell with me growing up.
I know I wasn't the best grandkid in the world, but I didn't have anyone to play with in the house. I was the baby, and everyone else at home was a lot older and went off to get married by then.
I was left alone.
Oh, poor me, right? Fuck me, It was a tough man. Honest. I had no choice but to be bad when I was growing up.
What else did I have to do? Bake cookies with my Baba who was always mad at me and not very pleasant to be around all the time.
I think she hated me. I am not joking.
My life in that house was always like walking on glass and I so couldn't wait to grow up and leave.
You know that saying, "The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side?" Well, it sure was. Nice and dark green.
But then being on my own sucked too.
I had some crazy moments on my own too. Let me say, it was no longer that green.
Well, that is it for this entry. Don't want to bore you.
I have tons of shit to say. So, stay tuned for more stupid shit I did or said.
Thanks for coming by and checking out my blog.
I appreciate that someone actually finds my stupidity funny. It is now that I am an adult and my grandparents aren't around to give me shit.
I appreciate that someone actually finds my stupidity funny. It is now that I am an adult and my grandparents aren't around to give me shit.
But then again, I miss being yelled at. It kind of kept me in line. I said "kind of" so at least it's a good attempt, right? I tried.
That would be awesome if you want to tip my efforts and help support my blog. I am trying to put enough cash together for some new equipment; a laptop, and audio stuff. This is my Paypal- aphrodity01@gmail.com
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