Welcome To The One Blog You Won't Regret
💋 WHO AM I? 💖 I am Venus, the one that has made you come to this blog page. How do you feel about this? Do you feel pressured? Good. I am a country kid that grew up with her grandparents. My parents were too busy to raise me, so, my grandparents thought they would give it a try. Now, they were not normal grandparents; by far. Not joking. My Baba was a real mean lady, my Gido was the opposite. He was always trying to keep me out of trouble. He would put up with my crap so he didn't have to put up with my Baba. I would sneak out and go party on a week night and then when I came home, he would get mad at me but not tell my Baba cuz then he would have to deal with her bitching him out, I would get away with murder, and he wouldn't rat me out. My Baba would work night shift at the hospital and my Gido worked day shift so that someone was always home when I was a kid. But then when I grew up and they got older, they would go to sleep ear...